Drowsy Dog
I'm so sleepy.
Find Me

Welcome to Reykjavik 

The Hotel Borg (Click to view the gallery)Day Two

So much for breakfast. I slept until 10:30 am this morning. This was by far the most sleep that I've gotten in a very, very long time. Part of this was due to jet lag—this was the first time that I've flown to a destination with more than 4 hrs time difference without some scheduled task to force me into action on day 1—and part of it was due being a bowl of jelly after an hour swimming at Blue Lagoon.

The Hotel Borg is a beautiful hotel. I never imagined that I'd enjoy the art deco styling, but it works very well. I may be copying the bathroom for my home. There is no air conditioner in the room. Only a radiator (which I assume, knowing the country's resources and by looking at the inlet pipes, uses water piped in from the geothermal power plant near Blue Lagoon) for heat and windows for cooling. Yes, you read correctly, windows that open in a fifth floor hotel. The only thing that could be considered a downside to my room is the street noise. The street can be pretty lively, and since I have the windows open, I definitely hear the people laughing and singing at the bars below. I actually very much enjoy this, I love being in the city and all of the vibrance that comes along with it. It doesn't even harm my sleep...just reminds me of the tejano clubs in Galveston, only less ghetto-fabulous.

I awoke to the sounds of construction vehicles outside of my window. At first I was worried about this, but once I moved to the window, I saw that the trucks were not working on the roads, but were putting up the city's Christmas tree in the square. After some online investigation, I learned that the lighting ceremony is held on Sunday. This is apparently a pretty big deal in Reykjavik—with a brass band and singing & dancing. How exciting! I'm there.

The charming streets of the city (Click to view the gallery)Once I got up, I decided to wander the streets getting to know the city and scouting out things to do. This is an extremely charming city. The narrow, winding streets are lined with colorful little buildings. The achitecture is simple and quaint. It is simultaneously peaceful and alive. Right next to the hotel is The Alþingi (Anglicised to "Althing", meaning"All-Thing"), which is the Icelandic Parliament building. After only ten minutes I stumbled upon the docks and Harpa—the concert hall at which I'm hearing Handel's Messiah on my last night in-country. Harpa is a spectacular building. The sunlight reflects off of its angular glass panels in a rainbow of colors. I may have to take the guided tour one day while I'm here.

Lunch was pleasant (pleasant…that's a good word to summarize my first impression of this place). Fish and chips at a little bistro. After meandering through lunch and tea for two hours, the walkabout continued. Now I noticed that the streets were starting to be filled with young (say 16-18 year old) children—mostly girls—in costumes.

Strange costumes…I noticed the following:


  • Santa Claus (the only boys I saw were dressed as Santa Claus)
  • Elves
  • U.S. Soldiers
  • Pink, furry, bear-like creatures.
  • Witches
  • Darth Maul
  • Mustachioed fat men in denim
  • Teletubbies


They were very playful and happy, singing and dancing about. Yeah…I'm going to have to figure this one out. Hopefully they'll be out again so that I can ask what is going on.

The rest of the day was spent scouting out photo subjects, lounging, and closing out with dinner, cake, coffee, and a few tasty Icelandic beers.

There will be more to come from Reykjavik, but for now, please enjoy the pictures.

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