Drowsy Dog
I'm so sleepy.
Find Me

Alright, Okay, You Win

No, I'm not in love with you.*

That's what I finally told my brain at 4:30 this morning when I decided to finally get out of bed after having not slept at all (yes, I mean that literally.) At some point, you just have to cut your losses and take advantage of the pent-up energy that is keeping you awake.

I proceeded to get out of bed–quite spryly, I might add–and scoop the still catatonic (of course) Carlos out of his bed of choice for the evening. He'd been snoring extremely loudly for hours. It's amazing how much noise can come from such a small creature. After a quick walk and some breakfast for the cat-like dog, I downed some OJ and went for a run. This felt reeeaaally good. I hadn't been for a good jog in way too long. Normally I'm not a morning runner because my body hasn't fully booted up and I don't have the mental wherewithal to power through the tough spots. Today was different. Like I said–it felt good.

After a quick shower, it was time to head downtown to take some photos of the city at sunrise. I'd been wanting to do this for awhile, why not today. There was some interesting cloud cover over the skyline today. It would have probably been better to shoot in the pre-dawn hours when the sun was being diffused by the light fog into a pale blue glow on the horizon, rather than the blinding fireball of sunrise. I'm not complaining, while not my best work, I'm pretty happy with them.

I finished up my most productive morning in a while with breakfast with my best friend, who's been going through some stressful times, but appears to be pulling out of them on top! Now, time for a nap.

Please tell me someone got that reference.

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